Sunday, September 7, 2008

Way too long...

Man. It's September. And so much has happened. Since school started and all the rush ignited, Jenni and I have been SLAMMED. Lesson plans, diets, gym, weekend trips to NC, FLA, birthdays (yes I am 25 now) and tons of other stuff, I definitely have not had the time to sit and blog. But, I now commit to doing so at least once a week. I would take the time to write out everything that happened over the month of August, but I just got back from a long, weekend trip to UNiversal Studios with 100 high school kids. I am glad football is here and school is moving. Here's a new pic.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

We're Back!

WOW, we took several days off from blogging. Vacation was really vacation but now it's time to catch back up.

We hurried back from the beach only to hurry through the first week of school. Even though it was only pre-planning we both are pooped. Tomorrow is the last day of prep before the parents come tom. night for orientation. We are basically done with our classroom's, our first bulletin boards and all. My theme is "Let's Go on a Journey," while Trey's is "The Writer's Block." Its been a blur but I think we are almost ready. We will check back in this weekend but here are some beach photos for you to ponder until then.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Here's to Family....and Vacation

YES! The day has finally come...the bags are being packed, the house tidied and the last minute supplies purchased. We are headed to Florida! Wooohooooo!!!!
I am so excited to go on family vacation this year, as I definitely missed out last summer. I also have been expecting to miss out this summer too with the back recouperation and all...but, God is good and I feel up to it. I am also anxious about seeing Tripp and Makinley as they handle the beach. Sissy is such an angel and Tripp is a fireball. Even though we will be a bit cramped, I anticipate a great time for all of us.

I bought Jenni a hat the other day to help block her beautiful and fair face from those vicious sun beams. What can I say, some of us are born with built in sun screen.
Well, time to run and do some errands with my significant other...
Be Blessed.
Trey and Jenni

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Kids anyone?

Let me just clearly say...

After a night with my nephew at the pool and a morning with him romping around the house from 630 am on...I have come to realize that even though I possess father-like qualities, I am by no means ready to be one and I respect all those who are so much more.

Do not think that I love the little guy anyless...fact of the matter is, that's probably the most attention he's shown me in a while. We played "Pillows" this morning, which he loves and I love to watch him play. We then watched some cartoons. Which leads me to another point. One of the cartoons we watched had little hispanic children playing with dragons. The kids and the dragons would occasionally slide in Spanish words and then immediately resay the statement in English. I understand the point in all this...but...WHAT THE HECK! I know the Spanish culture is vastly more evident now than when I was Tripp's age; however, do we need to indoctrinate our American children with the language at such a young age? I know some would say it is going to be helpful in the future, and maybe so. This is just something I was thinking about.

Today is voting day for State House, County Commissioner, Sheriff, etc.

Use your right to vote and do so!

Trey and Jenni

Monday, July 14, 2008

Women and their products..

I stumbled into the bathroom today and found one of the most alarming sights these two eyes have ever beheld. Women flat out confuse me sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I love my fiance, my sister, my mom etc. However, in spite of the blinding love I have, the piercing picture I basked upon this morning was a variable re-creation of Paul's Damascus Road experience.

"Yes, Lord. Your servant hears you," I thought to myself. Once the scales had fallen off my eyes, I proceeded to embark on a quest to uncover why my morning had been so catastrophically affected.

I interrogated my fiance about the following:

I submit Evidence A.

What the CRAP is this? And why the crap has it even been purchased and/or used? Wow. I know women strive for perfection when it comes to beauty and appearance. And, please do not mistake me for a guy who does not appreciate my woman taking the time to look a certain way. Still, this monstrosity of epic porportions should be burned at the stake, shredded or, better yet, framed and hung for all to see. Either way you spin it, IT SHOULD NOT BE WORN. So, we will be having a burial service for Pinky the Shower Cap at 5 pm today in Mom and Dad's yard in Brush Arbor. Jenni will open in prayer and I will give a brief, yet flattering eulogy.

In the end, women everywhere turn your ear this way...please Please PLEASE do not reciprocate this same sequence of emotional train wrecks in your fiance, husband, the future.

Trey and Jenni

Actually, just Trey.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Another Day in Paradise

Jenni and I baked cookies together for the first time tonight. I treated myself to a little something sweet as I have surprised even myself at my discipline over the last few weeks. I am slowly buying into the portion control, carb control diet that the nutritionist put me on. I am pleasantly down about 15 pounds since my surgery. That makes me around 30 pounds down since April 1. I have not had a sweet tea or a coke in 3 weeks...the longest stretch I have ever gone on. I even got in a size 42 in pair of jeans today...a pair of jeans I have not worn since I moved here in January of 07. I am VERY excited about that. I was a 48 when school started last year...but not anymore!

Jenni and I are both looking forward to going to a new church tomorrow. Some friends of ours, Brad and Lanie Beth, have been attending this church for several months and have raved about how genuine everyone is. We met some of the people in their small group this past Monday night at Brad's birthday party. We are excited to find a church home that provides the balance between solid, Spirit led worship and sound Bible teaching. We will keep you informed as to how tomorrow goes!

Trey and Jenni

Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Whole New Look

As a tag to yesterday's messsage...I actually said to put "JensJet" on her license...because I think that is actually doable and would be very cute.

So...for all you guys out there...I am sure you can cope with what I endured all afternoon yesterday. My bride to be informed me she was going to go back to being a brunette. Me, being the blonde sucker that I am, did not know what to expect. However, I was presently surprised at Jenni's new look. She looks hot....not that she didn't before...but the hair fits her well. We took some pictures today so that everyone can see her new style.

We are headed to book the wedding reception location today. Things are slowly coming together and we are both very anxious as to what God has in store.